Quote Originally Posted by Scowling Dragon View Post
Ok. I gotta take a stand. I have to ask the rabid pony fanbase to stop being so rabid....Here it goes.....

Hello pony fanbase. I am very happy for you that you find this show nice. Im not one of those idiots that screams "SHOWZ FOR TEH GURELS YOU SUXORS!LOLOLOLOLOL".

But I just want to ask you something. You have a tendency to do something that simply drives me bonkers. You mean no ill harm to me when you do this but.....can you please stop ponifying things?

This means avatars, Pony captions exetera. I get it. You like your show. But I don't have to know about it.

It bugs me that many fans think that just adding ponies makes whatever their talking about inherently more funny.

Like Random thing+Pony= 100% more funny.

Im not sure how to explain my non-brony standpoint but:

Every time I see a pony caption I see "The cake is a lie". Or "Can I haz cheesburger?". I have seen it a thousand times before. Its no longer funny.

And every time I see a pony avatar I get reminded of a pony caption.

Yes I was the guy that got rather agressive on april fools about the pony issue for the same reason. I apologize for that. Mostly because I felt squeezed out. Why must the joke be only funny for pony fans?

So please I beg you- No more pony avatars or captions.

Welp. This is hopeless. This is going to backfire horribly and nothing is going to change. But this is what has been sitting on my mind for a while. I have been trying to suppress it for a long time but I just can't take it anymore.
I appreciate how polite you're being. It's nice.

To answer your question, no.

Your opinion is no more important than mine. When you see somethign that bugs you, I see something that makes me smile. Neither of us is more important than the other. We're gonna keep on making crossovers and memes, because we enjoy doing it. We're sorry for irritating you, but you don't take priority.

tl;dr, thanks for being polite, but deal with it.[/blunt]