Quote Originally Posted by Reltzik View Post
In pathfinder, there's an AoE spell that opens a pit beneath the enemies, causing 10d6 falling damage plus 2d6 acid, and an additional 2d6 acid for every round the targets remain within the pit. Reflex to jump to the edge of the pit and avoid the fall, chance to fall in if you end your turn on the edge.

* No longer allowed to open combat by invisibility-acid-pitting the entire enemy force.

BBEG climbs out of the acidy pit. Another spell allows the same caster to effectively bull-rush (with good bonus) the target two squares.

* No longer allowed to combo these two spells more than twice per encounter.

BBEG levitates out of the pit and is floating above it, so he cannot be bull-rushed back into the DISPEL MAGIC OMG THE HUMANITY!

* No longer allowed to have a final boss fight that consists almost entirely of the party knocking the BBEG back into the acidy pit of death for 12d6 damage every time he escapes.
Tell your D.M to maybe make the villain a daemon next time: They can teleport, and are immume to acid.