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    Default Re: Friends, why did you do that? (3.P Base Class) (WIP)


    Loner Archetype
    Not all Sentai fight as a team. Some wander alone, fighting evil wherever they may be, and are unused to having allies. Loner Sentai are sentai who forsake teamwork for greater effectiveness while alone.

    For the purposes of the abilities of the Loner archetype, "fighting alone" is defined as targeting an enemy that none of the Sentai's allies have targeted with an attack, spell, or ability within the last 3 rounds, nor have they cast a spell or used an ability that affected that enemy within the last 3 rounds. He is counted as fighting alone until his next turn, or an ally targets of affects that enemy. If a Loner sentai has a creature (such as a special mount or summoned monster) gained through class levels or through magic, that creature does not count as an ally for the purposes of this ability.

    A Loner Sentai has the following features.

    Maneuvers: The Loner Sentai loses access to the White Raven discipline. He gains access to the Army of One discipline.

    Singular Warrior (Ex): At second level, a Loner Sentai is a paragon of single combat. He no longer benefits from morale bonuses provided by allies, but does not take morale penalties from abilities possessed by enemies. If an ability that would provide a morale bonus is changed to provide a different type of bonus, the Sentai gains no benefit from it. Furthermore, he gains a +2 Dodge bonus to AC whenever he is fighting alone, which increases by 1 at 5th level and every five levels thereafter.

    This replaces Team Player.

    Uncanny Dodge (Ex): By eighth level, a Loner Sentai has gotten used to having no one watch his back, and has no need for it any more. He gains Uncanny Dodge, as the rogue ability of the same name.

    This replaces Double Team.

    Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): By fourteenth level, a Loner Sentai has mastered the art of not getting stabbed and murdered by enemies. He gains Improved Uncanny Dodge, as the rogue ability of the same name.

    This replaces The Power of Teamwork.

    True Lone Warrior (Ex): A twentieth level Loner Sentai in combat is a fearsome sight. The Loner Sentai may himself as Flanking while fighting alone. Furthermore, once every four rounds, he may use a Swift action to treat a creature he is flanking with himself as flat footed for all attacks he makes until the beginning of his next turn.

    This replaces True Allies of Justice.

    Magician Archetype
    Not all Sentai focus on the fine art of melee combat. Some have more aptitude with the mystical arts, and eschew the maneuvers that they would learn normally for something more suitable to their talents- the art of spellshaping.

    A Magician Sentai has the following features.

    Skills: A Magician Sentai does not gain Martial Lore as a class skill. Instead, he gains Concentration, Spellcraft, and Knowledge (Arcana) as class skills.

    Formulae: A first level Sentai has knowledge of two arcane formulae. Sentai have access to two circles of their choice, selected at first level. Sentai learn additional formulae as they gain levels

    Once a Sentai knows a formula, he must prepare it before he can use it. A formula used by a Sentai is considered a spell-like ability unless otherwise noted in its description. Unlike most other spell-like abilities, arcane formulae are subject to arcane spell failure chance. The save DC for a formula that allows a save is 10 + formula level + the Sentai's Charisma modifier.

    A Sentai learns additional formulae at higher levels, as shown on the below table. To learn or shape a formula, a Sentai must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the formula's level, as well as meeting the formula's prerequisite. At 4th level and every two levels thereafter, he may trade a formula known for another of which he meets the prerequisites. The formula that he gains does not have to be the same level, or even of the same circle, as the replaced formula.

    A Sentai can prepare both of the formulae he knows at first level, but as he advances in level and learns more formulae, he must choose which formulae to prepare. A Sentai prepares his formulae by meditating for 5 minutes. The formulae he chooses remain prepared until he decides to meditate again and change them. A sentai does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time to prepare his formulae; any time he spends 5 minutes in meditation and exercise, he can change his prepared formulae.

    A Sentai begins an encounter with all of his prepared formulae unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since preparing them. When a Sentai shapes a formula, it is expended for the current encounter, so each of his prepared formulae can be used once per encounter (unless you recover them, as described below).

    A Sentai can recover expended formulae by using a move action to quickly meditate. Doing this does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If he completes his meditation, a Sentai recovers all of his expended formulae, with the exception of any that he shaped in the current round. If the Sentai had not shaped any formulae in the current round, he instead recovers all of expended formulae with the exception of any that he shaped in the previous round.

    In addition, once per encounter, a Sentai can change his prepared formulae as a swift action. If a Sentai changes his prepared formulae in this way, he also recovers his expended formulae, as though he had prepared them in the usual way.

    This ability replaces Maneuvers and Stances.

    Spellshape Attacks (Sp): The first abilities a Sentai learns as a magician are his spellshape attacks. At first level, he learns the spellshape attacks associated with the circles to which he has access.

    Spellshape Strike (Su): At second level, a Sentai has learned how to channel his spellshapes into his attacks with his specialized weapon. Once per round as a free action, during his turn, he may channel one of the two spellshape attacks gained from his Sentai levels into a manufactured weapon or his unarmed strike. Until the end of his turn, all attacks with the weapon or unarmed strike are treated as though they were that spellshape attack for shaping formulae, and deal bonus dice of damage equal to half of the amount that would be dealt by the spellshape attack, minimum 1 die of damage. For instance, a 6th level Sentai specialized in the longsword channels his Fireblast spellshape attack into the longsword he gained from Henshin. The longsword deals normal damage, plus 1d6 points of fire damage from the spellshape attack, and may be used to shape any Searing Flame formulae that he might wish to use.

    A Sentai is immune to the effects of any formulae shaped in this manner. If a Sentai uses this ability, he may not gain the effects of Strike of Justice in the same round.

    Though this ability is Supernatural, it is retained if the Sentai loses his powers in some manner, as it is his own skill with spellshaping, not his suit, providing this.

    Table: Formula known and prepared by level
    {table=head]Level|Formulae Known|Formulae Prepared

    Medalist Archetype
    Some sentai lack powers of their own. Instead of being utterly destroyed, as might be expected of them, they have adapted, becoming experts at the use of Henshin Boosters.

    A Medalist Sentai has the following features

    Skills: A Medalist Sentai adds all Knowledge skills to his class skill list.

    Sentai Abilities: The Medalist Sentai does not gain Sentai Abilities at each odd level. Instead, they gain a single [Self] ability at 1st level, and an additional one at 10th and20th levels. These abilities do not count toward the maximum number of [Self] abilities a Sentai normally has. This changes the normal Sentai Ability class feature.

    Booster Amp (Su): At 3rd level, a Medalist has gained some skill with combining various sources of power. As a free action whenever he invokes a Henshin Booster, he may spend one round of its 5 rounds/day to activate this ability. That use of the booster lasts for the duration of the encounter.

    This replaces Heroic Stimulant.

    Beast Containment: At 5th level, a Medalist gains the Monster Crystallization sentai ability as a bonus ability, regardless of meeting it's prerequisites. He gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks made to identify monsters.

    This replaces Heroic Legacy (Defense).

    Booster Multiplication (Su): At 9th level, a Medalist has come closer to mastering the art of using Henshin boosters. He may use his Intelligence modifier+3 henshin boosters each day, instead of the normal 3.
    At 15th level and every five levels thereafter, he may increase his maximum number of boosters used each day by 3.

    This replaces Heroic Legacy (Saves).

    Heroic Replication (Su): At 13th level, a Medalist has gained new insight into the abilities of humanoids, unlocking his own hidden potential. When he deals the finishing blow to a creature with class levels, he may make a Knowledge (Local) check with a DC of 20+ the creatures HD to copy a single Extraordinary or Supernatural class feature of the defeated creature as a Henshin Booster. This class feature cannot be from any level higher than half of the Medalist's, cannot be a bonus feat, and is chosen by the DM.

    This replaces Heroic Legacy (Offense).

    Booster Finish (Su): At 17th level, a Medalist has mastered his abilities. He gains the Finisher [Suit] ability as a bonus ability, and can spend uses of Henshin boosters to increase damage. As a free action when using Finisher, he may expend 3 daily rounds of a Henshin booster to increase the damage dealt by 2d6, to a maximum number of uses of this ability equal to his Intelligence modifier per encounter. The booster(s) used for this purpose count(s) towards the daily limit of boosters each day.

    This replaces Heroic Legacy (Accuracy).

    Mysterious Guardian Archetype
    Though they work in teams, some Sentai wish to defend their allies above and beyond aiding them with attacking foes. These warriors are known as Mysterious Guardians.

    A Mysterious Guardian Sentai has the following features.

    Hit Die: A Mysterious Guardian is sturdier than normal Sentai, allowing him to take a few more hits for his teammates. His hit die is increased to a d12.

    Maneuvers: The Mysterious Guardian Sentai loses access to the White Raven discipline. He gains access to the Scarlet Bravura discipline.

    Heroic Guardian (Ex): The first line of defense for his teammates, a Mysterious Guardian often redirects damaging blows from his comrades to himself. At 2nd level, once per encounter, he may redirect one harmful targeted ability (an attack, spell, or other ability which targets a creature) from an ally within 5 feet to himself. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, he gains an additional use of this ability each encounter.

    This ability replaces Team Player.

    Swift Takedown (Ex): The best defense is a good offense, and taking down a foe quickly can save the Mysterious Guardian the hassle of having to redirect their attacks. At 8th level, he may make a special attack to knock an opponent out, rendering them harmless for a few minutes. In order to make an attack, he must spend two consecutive rounds studying his target, losing his move action for each round. He may then, as a standard action, make an attack with a melee or ranged weapon which deals normal damage, and forces the target to make a Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 Sentai level+the higher of the Sentai's Wis or Cha mods) or be knocked unconscious for a number of minutes equal to the Mysterious Guardian's Wisdom modifier. If the target makes the save, they take nonlethal damage equal to half of their hit points. This ability only works on creatures not immune to nonlethal damage.

    This ability replaces Double Team.

    Righteous Guardian (Ex): Nothing gets a Mysterious Guardian's blood boiling like attacking a defenseless person. At 14th level, if he is targeting a creature that has 0 or fewer hit points, is denied its Dex bonus to AC, or unable to take actions with his Heroic Guardian ability, he gains a +3 Morale bonus to all saving throws against any effects he redirects to himself, and halves all damage dealt to him by those effects. The Morale bonus increases by 1 at 16th level and every four levels thereafter.

    This ability replaces The Power of Teamwork.

    Impossible Guardian (Ex/Su): The sheer determination of the Mysterious Guardian to defend his team knows no bounds. He no longer fails saving throws on a natural one, though if his result does not meet the DC he still fails the save. This part of the ability is Extraordinary. Furthermore, he may designate up to his Wisdom modifier in allies as protectorates each day. As long as the protectorates are within close range of the Mysterious Guardian, they are treated as though they were the target of a shield other spell cast by him, with the resistance bonus to saves being increased to equal the Mysterious Guardian's Charisma modifier, instead of being a flat +1. If they leave close range, but then return to it, they regain the benefits of this when they reenter the area. This part of the ability is Supernatural, and is lost if the Mysterious Guardian loses his Sentai powers for some reason.

    This ability replaces True Allies of Justice.

    Psycho Ranger Archetype
    Created by BlackestofMages, edited by myself. Except for Eternal Nemesis, which I made because he forgot an 8th level ability.
    There are Sentai amongst the sides of both good and evil, champions of both causes who carry the values of the sentai as they fight for their respective cause. Between these two groups exists grudging respect, and though their ideologies may clash, both hope that they can turn the other Sentai to their path.

    Then there are the Psycho Rangers. These Sentai care nothing for honour, or a fair fight. They have no regard or respect for anything but strength, and they want nothing but to destroy and ruin, to leave all they meet a smoldering ruin. If you ever find yourself facing a psycho ranger, pray he does not notice you, for mercy is not a word they understand.

    Note: Though Psycho Rangers focus on destruction and mayhem, not all of them serve the forces of darkness. There are Psycho Rangers on the side of good- reckless fighters who are seen as loose cannons by their peers, they are a sight to see in battles against evil.

    Only non-lawful Sentai may take this archetype.

    Psycho Rangers have the following features.

    Hit Dice: The Psycho Ranger is more focused on dealing damage than taking it. Their HD is reduced to a d8

    Skills: The Psycho Ranger removes Diplomacy from his list of Class Skills.

    Maneuvers: Psycho Rangers have access to the Dread Crown and Tiger Claw disciplines, as well as one other discipline of their choice. Even if they are not of Evil alignment, they still gain access to Dread Crown, and can use the maneuvers freely.

    Psycho Rangers recover maneuvers not by focus or by time, but by carnage. In any round that Psycho Ranger inflicts lethal damage while wearing his hero suit, he can recover one maneuver. He recover all of his expended maneuvers if he kills an enemy with an equal or greater number of hit dice than he has. In addition, he may recover all expended maneuvers as a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

    This changes the normal Maneuvers class feature, removing the normally accessible disciplines and the recovery mechanic.

    Henshin: A Psycho Ranger's suit is much more vicious, focused more on causing pain than protecting the wearer. The Psycho Ranger's hero suit grants an AC bonus of 1 less than normal, but is Spiked (see armor upgrades)

    Harbinger of Dread (Ex): A Psycho Ranger calling forth his Henshin is far from the inspiring sight that a normal Sentai's is. From 2nd level onwards, whenever he uses Henshin, the Psycho Ranger curses all enemies within 30ft of himself. Unless they succeed on a Will save (DC 10+1/2 Sentai level+Cha mod), those enemies take a -1 penalty on all attack rolls until the end of the encounter. If multiple Psycho Rangers use this ability in a round, the penalty is increased by 1 for each after the 1st. This penalty remains for the duration of the encounter, even if the enemy moves out of range. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, this penalty increases by 1. This stacks with a Harbinger Bard's Inspire Dread ability.

    This replaces Team Player.

    Avatar of Ruin: The Psycho Ranger is capable of channeling his Sentai powers to supercharge the destructive potential of his abilities, This surge of psycho power is enough to bring low even the strongest foe. While wearing his Hero Suit, the save DCs of all abilities the Psycho Ranger uses are increased by an amount equal to his Charisma modifier, even if they already used Charisma to determine the save DC.

    This replaces Heroic Stimulant.

    Strike of Ruin (Su): Upon reaching fourth level, the Psycho Ranger's attacks begin to take on an elemental property. While wearing his hero suit, the Psycho Ranger may perform a Strike of Ruin attack, charging their strikes with unstable destructive force. Upon gaining this class feature, the Sentai selects a type of energy from the following list: acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, or sonic. While in Henshint, the Sentai can choose to deal an extra 2d6 points of this type of damage when he attacks with a weapon gained from Sentai levels or an unarmed strike, in addition to normal damage, until his Henshin ends. Sentai that deal Force or Sonic damage with this ability reduce the size of the damage die from 2d6 to 2d4. The damage dealt increases by one die at eighth level, and again every four levels thereafter.
    However, the power of Strike of Ruin comes with a cost, as 1/4 of the total damage dealt by the attack is dealt directly to the Psycho Ranger. This damage is untyped and cannot be reduced by damage reduction. The Psycho Ranger is entitled to a fortitude save (DC 10 + the amount of damage to be resisted) to reduce this damage to half.

    This replaces Strike of Justice, but is treated as Strike of Justice for all purposes, including Rider Effect and archetypes that replace Strike of Justice.

    Power From Pain (Ex): The Psycho Ranger draws greater power from damage and injury, and one near death is as deadly a foe as there is in the world. From 5th level onwards, if the Psycho is at half or less HP, he gains a +2 morale bonus to all attack and damage rolls. If he is at one fourth or less HP, he instead gains a +4 morale bonus to all attack and damage rolls.

    This replaces Heroic Legacy (Defense)

    Eternal Nemesis (Ex): A Psycho Ranger with a personal nemesis fights harder than normally, focusing on utterly destroying that foe. At 8th level, by spending a day focusing on why he wants to destroy a specific creature, a Psycho Ranger can unlock the power of hatred when fighting that being. He gains a +4 Hatred bonus on all attack and damage rolls made against that creature, as well as a +2 Hatred bonus on initiative checks if that creature is involved in the encounter. At 10th level, and every five levels thereafter, the bonus to attack and damage increases by 2, and the bonus on Initiative checks increases by 1.

    These bonuses last until that creature is dead. A Psycho Ranger can have a maximum number of Nemeses equal to his Charisma modifier at one time.

    This replaces Double Team.

    Bring the World Down (Ex): The Psycho ranger is able to understand how to destroy all that he lays his eyes upon, his fists infused with the power of chaos. From 11th level onwards, The Psycho Ranger's attacks (armed and unarmed) ignore an amount of DR equal to twice his Charisma modifier. His attacks also ignore any hardness of less than 20.

    This replaces Heroic Legacy (Saves)

    Cruel Persistence (Ex): The Psycho has earned his title by being ruthlessly determined even in the face of defeat and merciless against his helpless enemies. From 14th level onwards, when the Psycho Ranger attacks, if he or his target is at half of maximum hit points or less, he deals an additional 1d4 damage per three sentai levels. The extra damage from this ability ignores damage resistance of all kinds.

    This replaces The Power of Teamwork.

    Pandora's Box (Su): A Psycho Ranger who has reached the peak of their power is capable of unleashing the pure destructive energy of chaos they tap upon to power their Sentai Abilities. At 20th level, once per day, the Psycho Ranger may open Pandora's Box. For a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier, the Psycho Ranger gains the following benefits- he acts as though under the effects of a haste spell, all damage he deals is multiplied by 1.5, and Strike of Ruin automaticaly deals maximum damage. However, this form comes with a great risk to the Psycho Ranger; while using Pandora's Box, all damage the Psycho Ranger takes is multiplied by 1.5, and his AC is halved. Once Pandora's Box ends, the Pyscho Ranger's Henshin state is ended, and he is exhausted.

    This replaces True Allies of Justice.

    Rider Archetype, take 2!
    Thanks to BoM for the last two abilities.
    Not all sentai focus on working in a team. Several focus instead on using a mount to improve their mobility, striking out at opponents from the back of their steed.

    A Rider Sentai has the following features.

    Skills: A Rider Sentai adds Ride to his list of class skills.

    Maneuvers: A Rider Sentai loses access to the White Raven discipline. He gains access to the Twin Spirit discipline.

    Rider (Ex): A Rider Sentai has obtained training and a steed for his abilities. At 2nd level, he gains Mounted Combat as a bonus feat, and gains Sentai's Steed as a bonus ability.

    This replaces Team Player.

    Greater Steed (Ex): By 5th level, a Sentai has mastered using his mount in combat. It gains extra hit dice, increased natural armor, and other abilities based on his class level, as shown on the following table.

    This ability replaces Heroic Legacy (Defense) and Double Team. If the Sentai does not have Heroic Legacy (Defense), this may replace what replaces it.

    Rider Strike (Ex): At 14th level, a Rider Sentai has mastered the art of delivering crushing blows from the back of his steed. A number of times each day equal to his Wisdom modifier, he may deal double damage with all melee attacks made at the end of a charge, so long as he was mounted for that charge.

    This ability replaces The Power of Teamwork.

    Juggernaut (Su): The Sentai and his mount can become an unstoppable force, focusing their will to allow them to break through any barrier and overcome any obstacle. From level 20 onwards, while mounted, the Rider and his mount benefit from Freedom Of Movement, and may both make a full attack at the end of a charge, so long as the distance charged is greater than the mount's base move speed.

    Final Attack Ride (Ex): At 20th level, once per day, the Rider and his mount can make a single charge with nigh unstoppable momentum. This is resolved as a normal charge, except it does not benefit from the Pounce ability, and the Sentai does not stop moving after hitting his foe, but instead keeps moving until he reaches his maximum charge distance. He may make a single attack, which deals double damage, against each creature adjacent to his movement. This charge does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and the Rider may freely move through enemy squares while using Final Attack Ride.

    This may not be combined with Rider's Strike

    This replaces True Allies of Justice

    Rider's Steed

    Bonus HD: The Sentai's mount gains additional hit dice as he gains levels. These HD behave like normal construct hit dice, increasing the Steed's BAB and base saves as normal.
    Natural Armor Adj.: The durability of a Sentai's mount increases as he gains levels. It's Natural Armor bonus increases by the listed amount
    Str Adj.: As the Sentai gains levels, his mount's strength increases. It's Strength score is increased by the listed amount.

    Evasion: The Sentai's mount gains the Evasion ability, as the Rogue class feature of the same name.

    Improved Speed (Ex): The Sentai's mount's speed increases by 10 feet. This affects all modes of movement.

    Improved Evasion: The Sentai's mount gains the Improved Evasion ability, as the Rogue ability of the same name.

    Spell resistance (Ex): The Sentai's mount has become practically a bulwark against hostile magic. It gains SR equal to 10 plus the Sentai's level.

    Alternate Class Features

    Changeling Sentai
    The Changeling race is known for their adaptability and transformation skills. It comes as no surprise that they expand the abilities they can use as a Sentai with great ease.

    A Changeling Sentai does not gain the abilities a normal Sentai would gain at levels 5, 11, and 17. Instead, he gains the following.

    Modular Suit (Su): A changeling always has a few tricks up his sleeve, especially one who has sleeves that shouldn't be able to hide anything. At 3rd level, once per day, as a full-round action, he may change any [Suit] Sentai ability that he has for a number of minutes equal to his Sentai level. The ability he changes out must not have a list of options to choose, nor may the ability he gains. At 9th level and every six levels thereafter, he gains an additional daily use of this ability.

    Technician Sentai
    Not all sentai can draw on the supernatural power of Justice. Those who don't find new understanding of combat techniques.

    A Technician Sentai does not gain Strike of Justice or Rider Effect.

    At 5th level, 10th level, and 15th level, they gain a bonus feat for which they meet the prerequisites from the Fighter bonus feat list.

    Warforged Sentai
    Surprisingly, a number of the construct race made for battle known as the Warforged have heard the call of Justice, becoming Sentai. Their plating, though, has strange effects on their hero suits, up to inverting the disguise features of it.

    A Warforged must not have the Unarmored Body feat to take this ACF.
    The Warforged Sentai's Henshin and Alter Ego class features are changed as follows.

    Henshin (Su): Instead of gaining a hero suit, a Warforged Sentai enhances her own plating, giving it the bonuses and abilities that her hero suit would normally gain while she is using Henshin.

    Alter Ego (Su): Unlike a normal Sentai, a Warforged Sentai has the option to make her non-transformed form the disguise- in effect, she can become a different person while not transformed, but her normal self while using Henshin. Furthermore, she may have a number of alternate appearance equal to her charisma modifier, instead of just one, and can take the appearance of a humanoid, not just constructs. If they take the form a humanoid, they lose the armor bonus of their plating until they take the form of a construct.


    HERE is the Pirate Pad I'm using to take rough suggestions for abilities and feats. Feel free to make any there. Just note your username when you do.

    And that's that.

    Sorry for not having abilities up yet. Wanted to get this here so that I'll have a reason to keep working on it.

    EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention this.

    This class is a rewrite of Giant Brother's Sentai class, with his permission. I'll be adapting stuf from that thread for abilities.
    Last edited by The-Mage-King; 2012-09-18 at 03:34 PM.
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