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Thread: [Nexus] Outside XXX

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Outside XXX

    The Fall of Thessoloniki

    Blood didn't drip from Mallod's twin vampire scimitars, even as they blurred through the air. Instead, it seeps into the very metal of the blade and all but vanishes. They growl in hunger as Mallod sinks them into the flesh of the soldiers that continue to storm towards her. One bites into the jugular of a soldier to her left. A low pitched gurgle escapes the wound and he falls to the ground. The other severs the arm of another soldier even as he raises it to strike at her. He falls, screaming, clutching his lifeless stump. As he screams on the ground, Mallod has a brief respite to asses the situation. The crowd of soldiers had separated her from Tavish, but she could still hear screams as the older Sabertooth's glaive held off the invaders. The invaders had arrived at the castle ene masse - Mallod couldn't see an end to them. Her back was pressed against the gate. While it negated the possibility of flanking, it still made Mallod nervous. She had nowhere to fall back to.

    The respite ends as the next wave of soldiers pours in. Mallod raises one of her scimitars in time to parry a blow, swings the other to gut a soldier. Two more close in to take their fallen comrade's place. Mallod parries another blow, and then another, but one slips past. A sword clangs against her helmet, causing her to stagger to the side. The other two take advantage of this to strike in, driving their swords and bayonets into the gaps of her armour. Pain blossoms as the points drive through the mail, through the leather padding below, and into her flesh. She cries out in pain, lifting her swords to knock the blows away. Blood leaks out of her armour as she swings again, but this time her swords are easily dodged and deflected. A soldier lifts his rifle, jabbing his bayonette towards her eyeslot.


    Moon Called waits, crouching in the shadow of an alleyway, as a platoon of guards marches past her. The invaders had taken the city days ago. She hadn't seen Mallod or Tavish since Thessoloniki had fallen - they'd had to
    fall back and escape the city when the castle fell. Sevran, badly injured in the fight, had been taken to a hospital. Keval was waiting with him. Under the cover of night, clad in black leather armour and wielding a shortsword in place of her usual greatsword, Moon Called had snuck into the city to search for Tavish and Mallod. So far, she hadn't had much luck. She'd managed to steal a map and had been searching the slums so far, in case they had tried to hide out there. No luck. Now, she was moving on to the prisons in case the two of them had surrendered or been defeated.

    The guards pass by. Moon Called waits to make sure they're gone before she scurries out, crossing the road and ducking into an alley on the opposite side, between two hotels. There's a fire escape bolted to the side of one. Moon Called glances up, but frowns. It didn't go up to the roof-top. She'd have to stick to the ground.

    That was fine. She was getting close.


    An hour and a half later, Moon Called was skulking in the shadows behind a large, make-shift prison. It was really just another hotel, filled with civilians who had fought back and traitorous guards. Moon Called sneaks around it until she finds a fire escape leading to the top floor. Waiting until there's no-one to see her, she swiftly climbs to the top and slips through the window. Slowly, she makes her way from room to room, making her way downstairs but looking for signs of her comrades as she goes. When she finds her path blocked by a patrolling guard, she finds another route or stabs him from behind if she has no other choice.

    On one of the guards she killed, Moon Called managed to find a ledger. Frantically, she flips through the pages as she searches for a familiar name.
    There it is! Drastasri, Tavish, room 572. The ice elf frowns - that was two floors above her. Leaving the ledger behind, Moon Called makes her way up.

    Soon enough, she arrives outside the door. With a grunt of effort, she slams her shoulder against it. With a thud, it bursts inwards. Tavish is laying on a narrow but comfortable looking bed, and lifts her head as Moon Called storms in. The two meet eyes, and Tavish sits up.
    "They took my weapons."
    "You can get more. Where's Mallod?"

    Tavish bows her head, falling silent. Moon Called's stomach sinks as she realizes.
    "We can't mourn her if they catch us and kill us too. Let's go."


    Days and miles away, the four remaining Sabertooths stand assembled around a pile of wood. Sevran holds a torch in both hands, head bowed. Moon Called places a hand on his shoulder, nodding softly.
    "Mallod Serrisi dos terevalt nox te loiya. Ker lamos tel kreyata fal-raoo. Ker dos Xun eta vax, kemala ferras."

    Sevran lowers the torch, touching the hungry flames to the pile of wood. Soon, the pyre begins to burn huge and bright. Sevran and Moon Called stand close to each other - after a few moments, Sevran puts his arm around her shoulders and holds her close. Keval and Tavish stand across from them, their hands clasped together.

    The moon and stars shine above them, obscured by clouds of white-grey smoke.
    Last edited by Mr. Moon; 2012-05-07 at 09:41 PM.
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