Quote Originally Posted by Lochar View Post
Dice of Wyld Taint is gained during the following:

1. The loss of a Lunar's positive Intimacy, when they could have conceivably prevented it. An Abyssal killing a loved one counts, that loved one dying to old age does not. This gains them a number of dice equal to the Virtue that it most closely resonates with, or their Limit Break condition virtue, whichever is higher.

2. The breaking of a Lunar's Motivation by outside forces. A motivation to protect Gem is shattered when any of a thousand forces arrayed against the city finally win, and the city breaks. This gains Essence+resonating virtue or limit break virtue, whichever is higher.

3. The loss of a Solar Mate when they should have been protected. This is the same number of dice as a motivation, plus any dots in Solar Bond.

Dice of Wyld Taint are lost as follows.

1. Any new positive intimacy that is forged reduces the taint by a number of dice equal to the resonating Virtue. Finding a new brother in arms would reduce the dice pool by Valor, for example.

2(New). Completing a motivation will reduce the pool by (Essence+Resonating Virtue). If you take the opportunity to raise your Essence when completing a motivation, use the pre-raised number.

Addendum: Lunars easily form bonds. Their Conviction is considered one less when considering the number of scenes required to build a positive Intimacy.

The pool of dice can never go below one.

Transfer across Exaltations

Normally, wyld taint dice do not transfer across Exaltations. STs may choose to may an exception for this and transfer all, some, none, or specific amounts. For the truly ravaged Chimera, transferring one point of wyld taint per 10/25/50 points of taint through Exaltation may make sense. This is an optional rule, and can quickly lead to all new Casteless quickly hitting Chimera themselves.
This all seems in order, yeah. And the tattoos fix dice rolled at one regardless of the actual dice pool, yes?