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Thread: Young Justice (Spoilers)

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Washington, DC

    Default Re: Young Justice (Spoilers)

    I was quite pissed about the time skip. It's lazy storytelling - skipping over dozens of potentially interesting plot lines. I miss Kid Flash and Aqualad. And I had to spend 10 minutes explaining things to my 8 year old cousin, who had a really hard time understanding what had happened and who all the new characters are and what had happened to Robin. (Though I'm glad that Miss Martian started taking lithium - though I think she's overdoing it a bit - her speech is so "flat" most of the time it sounds like she's completely zoned out).

    But then I watched an episode of Green Lantern. The animation is so poor it's almost painful to watch, and the plot is a joke. So now I realized how high quality Young Justice really is. I just wish that they didn't abuse it so.