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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FWM] As Equestria Turns:MLP Without the Kiddy Thread X

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    Esmeralda frowned. "I don't know. I think I'd prefer an army that gets up close and brutal. How about the Necrons?"
    Cue Lone Star's deadpanned expression. You don't know much about Neighcrons, do you?

    He got up and moved over to where he kept his armies (giving Es a very nice view). Well, let's see... my Grey Knightmares are built for melee but terrible for beginners... And i was a beginner when i made them, so they suck insanely even if you have access to Icy's knowledge of the game... Space Dragons, maybe... Or Blood Angels... Nah, they rely on ranged weapons in concert with melee to work properly... Oooh! How about Rainbow Scars? They're mostly pegasi but if you want melee and/or fast, they're the way to go.

    How a writer managed to earn enough money to get and maintain this many armies is a question best left to the same mystery box of the universe as questions like 'if a split personality threatens to commit suicide, is it a hostage situation' or 'do trainers eat their pokemon' or even 'does slaanesh sit or stand when it pees'.
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2012-05-09 at 08:20 AM.
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