Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
Jango is actually a really interesting case for a moral examination. On one hand she was taken under false pretences, although Melinda eventually made good on them. I think that they're at a point where they could become good friends, but they have hated each other for so long that neither wants to suggest stopping for fear of appearing weak to the other. Its really just spite and ego right now, as opposed to a recurring issue. They've pretty much taken turns angering the other and being angered in return. Let me see if I can come up with a pair that did something like that... maybe not. But it strikes me as they would rather stay with their familiar rage at each other than to humble herself before the other and suggest that they stop. After all, its usually the one who's loosing who sues for peace, and both of them seem to either be convinced that she is winning, or feels that she is loosing, and cannot afford to loose face before her "opponent". In the end, I don't think that Jango is "justified" per se, as I personally don't think that vengance is really the best option, but I can see where she's comming from. (Long post is long)
Well there's also the question of. Did Melinda intend to find a way to feed Jango or did it just kinda happen?

If Melinda really wanted to find a way to feed Jango then it would be if the ends justified the means. (In this case does kidnapping justify allowing the kidnappe to not starve to death.)

But if it just kinda happened, then how justified is Melinda in claiming credit for teaching Jango to eat?

There's also no guarantee that Jango would have starved without her. Jango could have been caught by anyone else.

However so far Melinda is the only one that has apologized.