Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
Thanks for taking the time to respond in-depth like that, rather than some people I've come across who just go "whatever" when a wall of text shows up in their thread.
Well you have legimate complaints and I should do what I can to fix them. Art fails if the intended reader or readers get a completely wrong message.

Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
I'm guessing you mean the game itself, and yeah, I remember all the dirty things that came to my mind playing though FireRed. I think Haddock was really the turning point in this, though. Haddock really seems to me to have taken what was a fairly funny recurring joke, and turned it into this overused mess.
Okay, so show Haddock not being perverted, and make a point of showing some guys and girls explicitly not attracted to Melinda.

Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
I see where you're comming from there. I know you're not trying to make a drama, but it's just that if you beat the reader over and over again with "play" jokes, they loose the value they hold when used in moderation
So if I want to keep the same level of drama and comedy at least vary the jokes?

Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
*Looks back* Yeah, I see that. I'm also now seeing Melinda's when she called Gary neither smart nor tough at nugget bridge. So, yeah, that looks a lot more clear in hindsight. I guess I'm just used to being inside the character's head. I mean, due to the italicized narrations that pop up, this is technically a first-person writing, and first-person usually offeres the most insight into the character's mind. I'm not saying you should ammend that, it's just not that common to see, or rather not see, the protaganists thoughts like that.
Well I tried showing Melinda's thoughts in the beginning. But it just didn't fit with her, she's not an open person. She's always looking for an angle or remaining guarded with her feelings. I felt that would be lost if I told you what she was thinking

Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
What I meant is that Biollante is like Nino, so desperate to make mommy happy, he doesn't realise the horrible things he's doing.
I know what you're saying, but did Nino ever really do anything horrible.

Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
I look forward to it. Tales of Lilycove was one of my favorite parts of Can We All Survive.
I got the inspiration from Tales of Ba-sing-se in Avatar the last airbender.

Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
Yeah, Fluff is just, well... that was the whole point of the character.
Honestly to me, in a way it's less creepy. Think about it everyone uses Ditto for the production of eggs. Sometimes lots of eggs. If the ditto were like a normal person/pokemon, 9 times out of 10 you are probably having the other pokemon force itself on the ditto. At least this way the dittos like it.

Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
It's beautiful, the things you can get away with saying behind the anonymous curtain of the internet.
Beautiful, and terrifying and I wouldn't want it any-other way.

Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
That's what I love so much about let's plays. They're a collaborative project between the readers and the writer. And feel free to drop something like this on my nuzlocke if you ever feel like I'm doing something wrong.
Okay thank you.

Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
(Support level increased)
Okay so you know my affinity, what's yours.