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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: The Post-Kickstarter Discussion Thread: Bask in the Afterglow

    From Project Update 32:

    Quote Originally Posted by Rich Burlew
    I've noticed that a lot of the survey results have comments along the line of, "I wanted to get a patch but I didn't know I needed to add money before the pledge drive was over." If that's you, don't worry; we're going to be stitching a few hundred extra. When everyone's rewards have been fulfilled, there will be a way for backers to buy patches through Ookoodook if they missed them (or need extras), until we run out. This will only be available to people who backed the project, though; I imagine we'll require some sort of verification of your Kickstarter info before you'll be able to place the order. The same will hold true for any leftover art prints we may have. In contrast, I expect we'll put up any extra stickers, notepads, coloring books, and Sticky Shticks that we have remaining without such a requirement, since those weren't explicitly pledge-exclusives the way the patches and the art print were.
    and from a Kickstarter-Message (i asked Rich about it):

    Quote Originally Posted by Rich Burlew
    Third, the Sticky Shticks will be available in limited numbers on the Ookoodook site after it's printed, though once those sell out, it will no longer be available. But I expect they will get a few hundred copies, so they won't go immediately.

    As for the PDF-Stories, i can't say. Many (myself included) hope that some day there will be a "Book K", but only time (and of course Rich) can tell us.
    Last edited by ChristianSt; 2013-05-17 at 07:15 AM. Reason: Edited to add singature

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    The Order of the Stick
    Kickstarter Reward Collection

    Last updated: 2016/08/09, containing:
    9 Crayon Drawings | 21 Stick its | 47 Signature Doodles

    Custom Avatar made by the Giant.
