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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    tongue Re: Elemental's Excitingly Excellent Random Banter: No.CLXXVII

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Hey Dragonprime. Hate to be a Sheep here, but you should totally get online so we can talk.

    I've got Assassin Creed 3 traileeeers~ /temptation
    *takes offense*Why would you hate being like m-oh yeah. I'm me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonprime View Post
    Take it up with your long dead countrymen.

    You should hear some of the town names that I come across in Poland. There is Kozie Brody, which means "Goat Beards". There is Wrzazki, which means "Screams". My favorite though, is Ryczy Wol, which means "A Bull is Bellowing". Seriously, Polish farming villages have the weirdest names. Finally, there is the unintentionally hilarious town of Brony.

    Their ideas? Who exactly are we referring to? The explosion of academia in the 12th and 13th centuries, or the Enlightenment?
    Bah. "Explosion" smosion. The "Dark" Ages were better than the 14th century in so many ways its scary. I can think of only a few bad things. Like war. That sucked. And invasions of Europe also sucked. And so did a bunch of other things, I guess. But still, they weren't as bad as people say. Life in 957 and 1554 werent that amazingly different. There were just less cool monks and more absolute ass**** measuring devices.
    Ooooooh, I shall read this. Though it will have to go on my list of "things to read". I just packed up my stuff to leave the seminary, and I had to make three trips to my car to move all the books I'm taking with me over the summer.
    Oh, packing up from college. More painful than packing for it, from what I gather. xD
    I think the bigger problem with them is not the lack of newness, but that they just took the lazy way out of the chaos of the Enlightenment. The philosophy of the last few centuries has been constantly filled with a growing amount of division, leading many to wonder whether or not we'll ever really be able to find truth that all can agree on. In the midst of this dilemma, rather than continuing to try to pursue truth (which is was philosophy is all about), many post-modernists just threw up their hands and said that clearly there is no objective truth, even though you need to rely on the existence of truth to make such a statement. In my opinion, it's just philosophically lazy.
    Ok, I forgot what this was replying to (been like, 10 minutes since I pressed the quote button), but laziness in philosophy? That's good!
    Ah witch burning. At least here in Massachusetts we made it quick and hung them. Except for Giles Corey, who was crushed to death with heavy stones.
    Yeah, those two thousandish or whatever people in three hundred years.
    Perhaps? I don't know Latin well enough either.
    Don't envy me just yet. I've got a nine page paper on Aquinas that needs finishing. I will miss my medieval philosophy class though. We got to write disputations on pretty much any subject we wanted in the style of the Summa Theologica. I love it when professors give me free rein to just write about anything, as long as it's good.
    Go do that more and stop hurting freshman brain.
    Freshman? You're apparently not that far behind me in college. I'm a sophomore, junior next year.
    I post intelligently enough to seem like I'm in college? Yeesh. Either I am so smart I didn't grasp my genius, or you can't tell the difference between a college student and a highschool freshman.

    And no, I do not believe in serious conversation.

    Boston is pretty awesome. I live about 20 minutes away in a suburb. In fact, it's a pretty historically significant. Lexington is the place where the first fight in the war for Independence occurred. Not a bad place to grow up.
    Yeah. Spirit of shooting people! Wohoo! Shootin' up the THANGS! Great place to grow up. Of course, Trenton is much better. Spirit of murdering people who-get-their-earnings-sent-to-the-noble-back-home when the people are drunk from celebrating Christmas and STILL getting your ass beat. Brave General Washington, killing people on Christmas.
    (Fine. They weren't drunk and were beaten silly. Poor you. Still murdering people on Christmas because you hate freedom. Casualties bullet wise, the Hessians sucked. But then Washington lost more people to that "goddamn freezing cold" than the Hessians did at the Christmas Murder. And the commander of the guys was disliked by his troops because they thought he was TOO NICE.)
    Last edited by Mutant Sheep; 2012-05-10 at 10:42 PM. Reason: Weird enter spaces in my quotes
    Can only thank GitP for being so good for so long.
    Quote Originally Posted by Solaris View Post
    If it helps, think of me as the Agent from Serenity. Just not that good a fighter. Also, I have a mustache.
    Quote Originally Posted by kpenguin View Post
    I'm probably hilarious far off, aren't I?
    Quote Originally Posted by Telonius View Post
    This is not... the greatest story Tolkien ever wrote. No... This is just a tribute.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracon1us View Post
    don't feed the troll...

    A pile of thanks piled on other thanks to Teddy for photorealistic avatar.