Quote Originally Posted by Harnel View Post
[Wolfen at the Cave]

Once the creature realizes what the Wolfen brothers are trying to do, it does something a bit more drastic, and tosses itself at the cliff wall, back first. this will happen immediately after Waterstrider lands, so they will likely not have the chance to enact their attacks before having to save themselves from being crushed.
Wolfen At The Cave

When the beast rears up, it's fairly obvious what the thing is about to do, but that doesn't mean that the action would be any less lethal if it they failed to avoid it. Both Wolfen let go and drop as it throws itself back. Pathfinder has longer to fall, being near the head, so is clipped by the monster's arm, sending him reeling for a moment, dizzied by the blow, but Waterstrider crouches as soon as he hits the ground, getting under the limbs before spinning and rising with a roar. His phantom paw reaches out in an attempt to disembowel it and his claws should easily be able to slice through the flesh.