[Hunting Grounds]

Despite the lack of hitting the kid the egg strikes the ground behind him and detonates with significant force not too dissimilar from having a frag-grenade blow up nearby. Which... would probably still hurt. Even if the egg didn't strike him directly.

That may dissuade the kid. Not really sure.

Though if he follows up on the stab the Yoshi will go "Hneeuuuuur!" and flap his feet and arms wildly! This rather silly maneuver allows him to reposition himself in mid air, deflecting the knife attack with his Buzzy Beetle armor!

Then he drops back to the ground.

And as soon as he lands?


A seismic shock-wave ripples through the sand for about ten feet in every direction! The force of the impact may be enough to bodily hurl the kid back a fair distance and leave him dazed and disoriented.