Quote Originally Posted by Mutant Sheep View Post
Yeah, I'm very glad. Blue is one of my favorite heroes, and the Reach don't get much coverage. Only animated thing about them I've ever seen was the Brave and the Bold episode with him.

And yeah, Mgann's either needs to learn how to interrogate without eliminating the person's capacity to do anything or just stop it altogether.

Aqualad feels forced, I think. One, 'Aquagirl'? Good god, at least call her by her damn NAME when the guy seemingly mad with grief is grieving about her. The Aqualad and Blank Manta thing is weird, though epic. Official Light member, probably some Reach Beetle upgrades for the Mantas soon, and Aqualad kicked ass. Was cool. But why the hell he cares so hard about serving his father he never knew and turns his back on his morals, I cant really comprehend well.
I'd presume Nightwing calls her Aquagirl because he's a Bat, and Bats are experts at seperating Life from The Mission.

Aqualad, on the other hand, isn't; faced with a seeming double-betrayal (finding out his beloved King kept his true parentage from him and that his One True Love died - and, given that it happened 'on a mission', it was likely...messy - that was enough to make him prime for manipulation by Black Manta.