Quote Originally Posted by flyingchicken View Post
To clarify what I meant by "eye level", I meant with regards to basic perspective:


Anyway, taking Bakuel's comment into consideration I colored in the relaxing Applejack drawing:

The light on is what I saw working on it and the dark one's... um, something to do with blending. I tried shading a little more comprehensively but uh, that didn't pan out. There was also a mishap with the water tool which left me with white specks in the transparent area that I had to clean out (and not too well at that).
Ooh, lot's of tutorials in that link, gonna go through those later.

Your AJ pic looks good! I think I prefer the darker colours on the right.

Quote Originally Posted by Noctemwolf View Post
I continued working on the picture from earlier. The Rainbow Dash? I really want a fitting picture to go along with the story I'm plannning up now, so I decided to modify it.


A Newsie Hat, a Turtleneck, Leather Jacket, and a cigarette. Take of that what you will.
That looks pretty cool! Certainly suits her.

Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post
Why did you have to give her glasses?! One of my many only weaknesses, I'm sure that's cheating...
Medusa with glasses, this is the greatest thing.
Thank you!
Heh, another glasses appreciator. /)

Random thought, if you look into Medusa's eyes, and she's wearing shades, what happens?

Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post
On a odd note, I'm the type of selfish person who only feels a lot of shame when they break promises they made to themselves. After all, if a man can't even keep his own promises or follow his own plans or convictions, then how can he trust himself?
But other then that, I'm rather shameless by nature.
I'm the opposite. There are few things in this world that are worse for me than feeling like I've disappointed someone somehow. I think that's part of the reason I'm still drawing every day.

Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post
I don't mean to probe, but are you the same flyingchicken from civfanatics? If so, I used to look at and admire your work in that art thread (and still do but I haven't been to the site in a while).
The only reason why I ask is just because I recognized your style from somewhere and it was bothering me that I couldn't remember.
But might be just another derp moment!
Huh. I joined CivFanatics just recently (got very little help in the modders forum :/ )

Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post
Day 54, Or Sneaking Scoot, Sleeping Dragon.

Spike sleeping while Scoot sneaks by. I must say, I haven't had this much fun coloring a big pile of money and gems since I used those Uncle Scrooge coloring books. I need to do this more often.
Anyway, Spike's anatomy is missed up a bit, his tail and body should be longer. Perspective can try to save that one, but I don't think it'll work. And his hand is off, but that's no surprise. Scoot's just sneaking by, should have had her back turned slightly to Spike instead of profile, but hindsight and all that.
Been thinking about linework and coloring and things of that nature. I like defined lineart, the action comics and mangas I know and love have nice defined lines. Defined lines just seem to scream action and movement much more easily then a more paintery type thing. Which reminds me more of illustration. But the black lines I used to work with look rather sloopy when colored. So I tired to combine the two. Is it better? Or worst?

Glad to see Samurai Equestria is still going. I like Sneaky Scoots :3

As for me, I haven't posted much here, but I'm still going strong. Days 129-130 were more of the animation I was doing, I won't bore you with that as it's more of the same; instead I'll try to post a snippet when I've got the whole scene together and looking smooth.

Day 131 was the Carrot Top posted earlier.

Day 132 was a terrible human face I drew without references. I won't post it here as I can already see everything wrong with it. It was done on a day when I was feeling terrible from migraine and I just couldn't be bothered with it.

Day 133 was another animation frame.

Day134, just some basic pony face to try and get going again after several slow starts and stale days. Didn't clean it up.

Day 135. Back to human faces, this time with reference.

Many minor gripes with this one. Mouth shape is off, I think the face is too long, roughly drawn eyes/eyebrows etc.

Overall though, it does at least look like a face, so I'm doing well in that respect.

Day 136 (today). Human body poses.

Reference for the running pose: