Apple Cabin

When Reelshka leaves, Kax turns and climbs up the steps to cabin. Walking inside, he shuts the door firmly behind him. The cabin looked to be some sort of common building. There were multiple beds pressed up against the walls, each large enough for a single person. At the foot of each bed was a wooden chest, which on further inspection all proved to be empty. Storage, then, for guests who actually had property to store.

Standing up from the chest, Tel-Zaf Kax glances out the window. It was getting late and the sun was setting. Even with his axe's enchantments, there was no point searching for it when he could barely see. Unbuttoning the jacket of his three-piece suit, Kax decides to spend the night in the cabin. He could go search for it in the morning.

The next day: Apple Cabin -> Cactus Fence

Kax rises early out of habit. The sun's light is only just filtering in through the window. Naked down to the waist, Kax lingers as he looks through the glass. The thick trees and looming mountainscape reminded him of home.
Shaking his head to clear his mind, the orc occupies himself with getting dressed. He wondered how one went about getting breakfast here. If he ran into someone he could ask them, he supposed, but he could probably just catch some game. That said, there seemed to be plentiful food at the story-telling.

He'd see what would happen. For now, he had an axe to find.

Adjusting his tie, Kax heads out of the cabin and towards the base perimeter.