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Thread: [Nexus] The Hunting Grounds

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    In the Playground

    Default Re: [Nexus] The Hunting Grounds

    Big Game Hunting

    Across the open and wild plains of the hunting grounds rolls a motley procession of cars, occupied by an even more motley assortment of mobsters, smugglers and crooks. A stylish black 1930s Oldsmobile Convertible heads up the pack of anachronistic automobiles, flanked on either side by much newer, leaner sports car covered in decals and pinstriping, three more cars -two, a red Super 88 and a black Model T, distinctly vintage, the last a much more modern monster truck- bringing up the rear.

    And leanin' out of the passenger side window of the front car, a tommy gun in hand paw, a cigar between his chompers and the wind rushing past his ears, is none other than Don Don Don, leader of the Mouse Mafia and big game hunting enthusiast.

    Of course, considering him, his entourage and the cars they drive are all mice and mice-sized, respectively, "big game" for them is more along the lines of an owl or a stoat, maybe a rattlesnake if they're feeling particularly dicey.

    In the driver's seat is Fritz, a speckled and bespectacled gray mouse, the Don's bodyguard, right-hand man and possibly best friend, not a front-line brawler like his boss but a crack shot with any gun you care to name. In the vehicles to either side are more of the Don's muscle, the ones following behind various capos who've earned enough favor with the boss to be invited along for the hunt.

    Every one of the transports is packed to the gills with firepower, from simple mouse-sized versions of normal Earth weaponry to packs of plastic explosive, harpoon cannons and even a missile launcher or two. One really can't be too prepared when heading into place like this.
    Last edited by ThirdEmperor; 2012-05-15 at 08:44 PM.
    Meese Mobster by smuchmuch.