[Meeting Room]

Sornnolu was outwardly calm, though Vasquez would probably see that his fists were clenched, his knuckles going pale. "I would be grateful if you could supply me with that recording. I need to know exactly how deeply she has scarred my efforts here. You are correct, she is not under my command. I am sure you are familiar with our culture. Women rule all, even if a male may serve as a better leader." The drow sighs, trying to let go of his anger. It was an old frustration, one he'd dealt with all of his life. "I can assure you, whatever she is doing, she is acting independently of me and House Xar'Cha. The Matron would be appalled to learn she has taken such blatent actions. I knew Ilpholin was ambitious, but to openly declare she desires to run the entire city? Such idiocy... I wouldn't believe even she was capable of it." It seemed Sornnolu did not have a high opinion of his half-sister. "What basis does she even have to stand on? What support? AMEN? Nonsense! The city would never allow it. Even if she had my support, I doubt she could win anyone over. This folly. Madness. She has discredited herself, and in the process dishonored my House and is threatening everything I have built here."

Sornnolu pushes himself up from his chair. "I will do everything I can to limit the damage Ilpholin may have done. Particularly I will seek to reconcile any slights that have formed in the minds of the leaders of the other Organizations. I know that if conflict arises between their Organizations and those I command, there will be blood. Whatever orders I might give for peace and restraint, we are Drow.

"I thank you for alerting me to this issue so quickly, and I apologize for cutting this meeting short, however I feel the faster I act, the less trouble there be. If I may recieve the recording you promised, I will get started on cleaning up this mess as soon as possible."