Quote Originally Posted by Metahuman1 View Post
Hmmm, that's hard to say actually.

I personally always think of Erinyes as being a half way point between a classic Succubus type and a sort of evil Valkyrie. (This is form a strict flavor/mythology standpoint so actual stats for the two do not necessarily apply.)

There the one's who can very convincingly offer a lot of power but are certainly formidable enough that normal mortals should not trifle with them and even exceptional one's should not do so lightly, and can lean just as easily toward mastery of words as they can towards mastery of weapons as a personal specialization, depending on the individual Erinyes.

Was that any help or am I babbleing?

Well, the unfortunate bit is, I can't seem to find a Valkyrie in any of the books. I could probably find something similar in terms of fluff and such if I took a good long look, but nothing specifically called Valkyrie. Though, That's only in the books I currently have. I only looked through the Fiend Folio, Monster manuals 1, 2, 4 and 5, and Book of Exalted cheese deeds.