Quote Originally Posted by rgrekejin View Post
...also, since half the damage from Flame Strike is Divine and not subject to fire resistance, and Tarquin appears undamaged, can we take this as a bit of weak evidence that he may have evasion somehow?
Maybe. I infer from Belkar's remark that Tarquin has fire resistance of some kind, and that this is why he didn't take fire damage. I also get the impression that Malack knows that he can safely target a Flamestrike over Tarquin, because he's protected anyway. That would imply that Tarquin is simply immune - not just on a successful saving throw.
So it is possible that Tarquin has resistance to divine energy as well (although I'm not aware of a way of getting that) or that The Giant overlooked that Flamestrikes deal damage that isn't fire.
Mind you, that isn't proven either. I'm just suggesting some alternatives, and I don't think the currnet comic proves he has Evasion.

Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
The problem with this is that half the characters have arrays significantly better than Elite (25 PB), and half are significantly worse-off. Here are the point buys necessary to arrive at the stats I generated:
Hm, so how would point buy work in-universe? Do newborn babies get to make a choice for their stats (and if so, why does Roy have stats that aren't good for a fighter)? Or perhaps their parents do (and if so, why didn't Eugene give his son stats that mandated a wizard class)? Do we have any remarks from The Giant about whether point buy exists in his world?