Quote Originally Posted by ThePhantasm View Post
My thoughts on "Salvage":

Meh. First episode of the season I haven't really cared for. The whole golem story was awkwardly paced, and the reactor threat was just silly. And then Darkseid (?) destroys the golem and doesn't destroy the reactors? Why? Didn't he want to cause some sort of chaos? Couldn't he just blow it up and then everyone would blame the golem for it? What was he trying to accomplish anywho? It doesn't add up.

Red Arrow's angsty subplot wasn't that great either, though at least it let us know where the rest of the team has been hanging out. I have trouble sympathizing with RA when Superboy went through the same doubts about being a clone and came out just fine, without 5 whole years of moaning. His desire to find Speedy I understand, fine, but quit the whole "I'm a clone" crybaby stuff... gee whiz.

Not bothered that Wally and Artemis decided to retire. I suspect they'll be back in superhero business before long though.

High points: Superboy and Blue Beetle are both great characters, and having them work together was a lot of fun. I think Superboy is quickly becoming my favorite character on the show. He's like a super intense Superman - that's pretty badass.
While I don't like the way that they make Red be so desperate (like much of this season, so far it seems pretty implausible), I do love the way they show it. He has the all-too-common "hasn't shaved in a week" beard going on, but his arms were skinny and lean and he carried himself in a way that sold it for me.

I'm satisfied with the main plot of the episode. ???Darkseid??? and Sportsmaster came outa the blue, and I was expecting Sportsmaster to have had a KILLER makeover since he killed all those Kroloteans, but it worked great. I'm no massive Darkseid lore fan, but I don't think he runs around flinging radioactive waste. Killing the golem was explained well, though it attacking Superboy was... weird.