Quote Originally Posted by Welknair View Post
Additionally, I am very much aware of the importance of those first few pages. The intro is extremely important in grabbing the attentions of would-be players and GMs. I'm doing my best to make the intro as engaging and up-front as possible.

That reminds me! Why do games so often have their mechanics bound up in fluff, like you said? Even the core mechanics, often. These things should be in a clear, concise format for easy learning. I have the majority of my game written on sheets of notebook paper at this point, and the main mechanics occupy less than two such pages. Why should i need to read a hundred pages to learn what I could have in two? Of course content, context, and examples are important. But still, I think that game makers could afford to be a little more clear with the way things work.
Honestly, this world is pretty much built for power gamers. That guy who wants to see just how far he can push the rules. The one who decided to build the lightning mace build, or see if he could break 40,000 HP damage in a single turn. It's for the abstractors, the attempters, the people who really ask, "Why do we have gravity this way, anyway? Who cares about Einstein!"

I have no idea how that helps, though.
