Well, I have officially capped all of my stats. I would have been capped like a week or so ago, but once my ship was done, I went straight out onto the Unterzee and completed all the islands content(with the exceptions of the Iron Republic and Polythreme, which I'm working on opening up now). I have to say, I'm a bit happy and a bit disappointed. For some odd reason I thought I only needed 300 pages of each type of research in order to
be welcome at the University again
. As it turns out though, it is 500 pages of each, so I guess I'll be going back out onto the Zee very soon. Though, after seeing all the incredible rewards for it, I think I'll be out there for a LOOOONNNGGG time grinding and grinding on those islands. I got me a voluminous library for 250 of each, and it appears I can get a ton of Collated research and some other stuff. I imagine I"ll spend a week or two out there, try to grind out 2k pages of each before I come back.

So, is the Numistarix(or however it's spelled) only an opportunity card? Because I really want to open up the Iron republic before I go back out as well, and I'm a bit confused as to how to do that without a good bit of luck with cards.