Greetings ladies, gentlemen, and tentacled abominations!

After a long while not playing minecraft, I came back to the server, spawning with an inventory full of stuff (probably from the last time I played on the server), next to a strange house. I wandered around in the wilderness for a bit, and ran into a creeper. It exploded.

I logged out, and logged back in after a bit. I went back to the strange house, and walked inside. The house was a mere shelter to pass through, as it had no furniture and merely opened up to another outdoor area. This however, was fenced and had stairs leading upwards. I went up, and opened the door.

It was at that point that I realized this was a house I had personally built back when I was playing on the server.

Nice to see that the old maps have been preserved. I was honestly expecting the opposite after half a year.