Aswin batters the zombie that had been attacking Arthros, but to little avail: it survives and swings its massive arms at the healer. Arthros himself misses the zombie, but the positive energy he held in his hand does not dissipate. August has no better luck with his spell, and the zombie that hit him while he was casting it brings its arms down on his head again.

Drifa, on the other hand, bit off chunks of two zombies, hurling them to the ground. They stand, trying to attack Aswin. T'riss likewise manages to damage her zombie before Isaac whisks it away. You can hear a shriek of rage somewhere to the east, but they're far out of your sight.

The undead caster, now somewhat frantic at the progression of the battle, fires off three blasts of necrotic energy at T'riss, which slam into her side, knocking hte wind out of her. Almost simultaneously, the wolf that had been harassing Aswin charges her, trying to bring her down.


D1: SLA Magic Missile T'riss (3d4+3)[10]
W: Charge T'riss, ending at H6
Attack: (1d20+5)[8]
Damage: (1d6+1)[7]
Trip: (1d20+1)[2]
Z1: Attack August
Attack: (1d20+8)[21]
Damage: (1d6+6)[7]
Z2: Full round action to save against clinging darkness (DC 17 Reflex): (1d20+2)[8]
Z3: Stand (provoking AoOs from Aswin and Drifa); attack Aswin. Black Fire save: (1d20+2)[22]
Attack: (1d20+8)[28]
Damage: (1d6+6)[7]
Z4: Cowering. Black Fire save: (1d20+2)[10]
Z7: Stand (provoking AoOs from Aswin and Drifa); attack Aswin
Attack: (1d20+8)[28]
Damage: (1d6+6)[8]
Z8: Full round action to save against clinging darkness (DC 17 Reflex): (1d20+2)[18]. Black Fire save: (1d20+2)[16]
Z9: Attack Arthros
Attack: (1d20+8)[26]
Damage: (1d6+6)[10]
Pa: Grapple check to escape entombment (1d20+7)[11] (25 rounds before suffocation)