Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Sandy grinned to himself. "Wouldn't want it any other way." His horn blinked, then shone a steady beam of light into the bowels of the wiring. A few errant sparks drew his attention to the far side. "What have we got here? Looks like a loose screw or somethin', that'd cause a short alright." He nudged the wires away with a set of pliers, revealing the offending bolt. It looked like it wasn't even holding anything in, just a random, spare bolt. He'd fix that up straightaway. With a little magic, he sanded down the bolt to loosen it up before grabbing it with the pliers. But the Cirrus was never one to give up without a fight. The stubborn bolt clung on as he wrenched and pulled. "Come on...just a little more...startin' to give..."
Hover just watches. She expected difficulty. But not calamity. Well no... she did. She always expects calamity. Horrible calamity.

And then the bolt snapped free, sending pony and pliers tumbling flank over teakettle, crashing to a stop against a nearby wall. Sandy slowly sat up, holding a hoof to his neck. On the floor, the tip of the needle-nose pliers was stained red.
"Sweet Celestia, Sandy. You alright." She says running to his side.