A bit more than that. Xin's mother became sick (and died? Don't remember) and it was impacting the update schedule. So Rob let Xin take off to recover, while Rob decided to do text-only updates during the hiatus for a sorta prequel novella. Assuming that it was only issues with Xin's personal problems that slowed things down before and no need for coordination with another person, this should result in faster updates. This turned out not to be the case, as the pace slowed down to its old plod. Then Rob had a successful Kickstarter program for a voiced rendition of the comic and website upgrades, after which the text updates pretty much slowed down further and then stopped all together. At this point, people started to complain and rant, at which point Rob started banning people. Most recently, he's announced that nothing new is happening until Book 3 starts (which he did give a date for sometime this summer).

But between the Hiatus and the Drama, this can't be good for business.