Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
Wenomir is somewhat resistant to extreme temperatures, as the demons of his homeworld use either fire or frigid ice, depending on their type. Still, he's definetly not comfortable.
He sighs inwardly when the tree takes on Jedwiga's shape. Why do monsters and villains keep taking her form? It's not like he has feelings for her anymore and in fact rather resents her. He raises his sword and waits for the situation to develop further.

The figure before Wenomir grows more and more life-like. Soon the demon-hunter will find himself wondering how he ever thought she was a tree? This is clearly Jedwiga, alive and in the flesh before him. Except there's something strange about her. Her skin is as pale as the white silk dress she wears, a rose pinned over her heart. The ground she stands on is not muddy swamp-brew, but instead a thick and sluggish pool of blood that slowly grows wider. The rose wilts almost immediately, staining her bodice red with blood. With glazed-over eyes, she stares at Wenomir.

You, she says. You did this to me.

Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
Mateo suddenly stops transforming, and starts transforming into a wolf- much smaller, though still larger than a natural wolf- and faster. He leaps forward as he changes, hoping that the movement and decreased size causes the slippery pondweed to loose its grip. The sudden change has caused Mateo slight disorientation, especially as the change into bear wasn't complete. Therefore, his pounce might be off-target, but he's hoping to bound into the siren and clamp his lupine/ursine jaws around her throat and bite until he feels her spine crack.

As Mateo shape-shifts again, the slippery pond-weeds falter. By changing into a bear, he made his limbs larger and easier to ensnare. But in this much thinner form, it's very easy for the vampire to slip free of his bonds and launch himself towards the siren. Judging by the shocked look on her face, she isn't used to prey being able to escape like that (or maybe at all), and as such it's even easier for him to pounce on her. But as he lowers his mid-shift jaws to her neck, the pond-weeds redouble their efforts. With their mistress in danger they surge towards him at more than twice the speed they'd had before, pratically leaping out of the water to wrap themselves around his throat and head and pull him away.

So Much Fire
Quote Originally Posted by singingnoodle View Post
The Ring of Fire

Sorry, I was busy when I typed that up. Apologies.

Thenadier swears roughly before he realizes the tree didn't do any damage. He raises his rifle to fire at the cloud rams in a orderly fashion, aiming for the horns. If the horns caught fire, so would the rest of the ram. He can't see Mercutio in the distance and yells out to him. Demon! Get out of there! Unlesh you'd rather burn!

"Yes, yes!" comes the curt and rather strained answer. "I am working on it. The extra fire really isn't helping!" Aw, but I'm sure Thenadier meant well.

Thenadier takes aim at the charging cloud-rams! As he fires the first shot, the round tears the horn clean-off. The ram lets out a bleat of pain, rearing back. Water vapour pools out of the gaping wound, floating up into the air. The other ducks its head as Thenadier fires at it, and the bullet flies past it harmlessly. As it continues its charge, Thenadier will suddenly smell the foul stink of brimstone from behind him.

"You really could have just stopped at the first fire," a slightly singed Mercutio observes, stepping forward to stand next to Thenadier. In his hands are two spiral horns, most likely taken from the cloud-ram he had just killed. He tosses one up in the air and catches it as he peers at the incoming cloud-ram, and the one that Theandier had shot. "Oh, look. You've figured out their weakness. Now if you'll just permit me to try a little experiment..."

He takes a few wide strides forward, and as the charging ram gets close, steps to the side. It stampedes past him, but before it can get far Mercutio stabs it in the neck with the pointed end of the horn he gained from its peer. The horn sinks in like a blade, causing the cloud-ram to tumble over itself and fall to the ground. Mercutio grins, dropping to his knees with it and reaches for the book and pen at his waist. "Kindly take care of the last one, would you?"