Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
Guardhouse - Staccata

Meanwhile, Staccata is having a 'wonderful' conversation with the guard put on lobby duty. "Just say I'm being a dutiful citizen," the mare states with just a hint of sarcasm. "Now run off and get your boss."
"Hmph. Wait right here." The "here" was emphasised for effect. It was obvious the guard didn't trust Staccata further than he could throw her. Which probably wasn't very far. At any rate, he disappeared into a backroom for a few minutes and Staccata might be able to catch a few words of muted conversation.

The guard came out soon after, looking a little chagrined. "Lieutenant Stormcloak will see you shortly." And sure enough, the venerable white earth pony appeared in the room.

"Well?" he asked.

Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"I take it you must dig the cold, heh,"
She said when she got hit by a cold breeze. "Brr....that was an unpleasantly cold breeze....haha...ah...hmmm."
"It would be a nice change regardless, right?" Silverpine said, smiling. He was feeling a little cold himself now. The last vestiges of the sun disappeared over the horizon. "Anyway, shall we go down? Catching a cold now would probably drive Sunny up the wall."