Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
"Hmph. Wait right here." The "here" was emphasised for effect. It was obvious the guard didn't trust Staccata further than he could throw her. Which probably wasn't very far. At any rate, he disappeared into a backroom for a few minutes and Staccata might be able to catch a few words of muted conversation.

The guard came out soon after, looking a little chagrined. "Lieutenant Stormcloak will see you shortly." And sure enough, the venerable white earth pony appeared in the room.

"Well?" he asked.
Staccata of course showed no signs of being deeply hurt by the inhospitably. She uses that annoying cold tone of voice when she knows she's right about something.

"It seems like a newly arrived colt has taken your pet griffon and captured somepony related to the recent attacks. You'll likely want to go see about asking some questions. Violent organizations being predictable, you'll want to make it fast while you prepare for the inevitable reprisals."