On Briarhearts: What's really funny, is that you can have Assassins sicced on you for stealing. Even if the only thing that you ever stole was a Briarheart. Thus the dead body put a hit out on you.

Of course, someone suggested that the contract is simply on the person that stole the briar heart, but it's funnier the other way.

Blackmarsh is the Argonian homeland.

My Argonians have always been Thieves. My first Khajiit was a Thief and a Mage. My second was a Thief/Assassin. That was the one that did the Master Criminal Achievement.

Hilarity ensues: A Khajiit Thief, only allowed to arm with what can be stolen. So weapons, and clothing. Of course if you're a good pick pocketer, you can rob everyone and get to 100 Pickpocket pretty fast.