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Thread: Ponythread Learns to Draw! Together!

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Ponythread Learns to Draw! Together!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Mirrsen View Post
    edit/MergePost: This thread has really slowed down. Where are Bakuel and the druid droid? Noctemwolf? flyingchicken? Thanqol? Where'd you all disappear to?
    Sorry for not posting more! I actually saw your post the other day and rushed to draw something on my tablet. Gimp locked up on me though and the image was lost, my usual luck.
    I'm still here, I just can't seem to find the time to post a lot on the weekdays. I only have about two more weeks of work to go before summer, but things can get pretty hectic before the end. I've actually been doing a lot art stuff, just not a lot of digital art. I'm ironing out the plot progression of Samurai-Equestria like a pre-storyboard type thing, and actually managed to think up a half-baked suitable ending~!, I've also been drawing every work day with pencil. But nothing really worth sharing, my pencils tend to be a bit messy and the subjects out there.

    Still working on that AJ picture, but don't haven't got it to a point were it's worth posting.

    Even though I haven't been doing the daily digital draw thing very well. I'm still keeping the day numbers though, for book keeping purposes. I like to be able to look back and compare to see if I got any better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Mirrsen View Post
    New thing for the day. Drawn as a request. Name's Cherry Pop. Don't ask.
    Your Cherry Pop art is... Well, I'm glad I don't check up on this thread at work.

    Silliness aside, it looks nice!

    I hope the requester was satisfied with the product.
    If you know what I mean! Say no more, say no more! Nudges, winks, dancin' eyebrows and all that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Mirrsen View Post
    New thing for today. I've mentioned at some point that I've got only one real OC, Southern Sky. So, this is her. I never really got to look at her design and color with a critical eye before, so the result slightly fills me with dismay.

    Looks a little too much like a certain well-known pegasus explorer, doesn't she? Hair's not grayscale and in much less of a wild mess (more of a Hime Cut), but otherwise...*le sigh* This is a coincidence, I swear!
    As for her story... I'm still figuring out how much of it I can actually tell, and irregardless it's bound to be on the low end of the originality scale (regardless of whether it's true or not), considering the Multiworlds (and myself, by extension) are involved. Well, time will tell even if I won't.
    I agree that the design looks a bit like Daring Do. I like your new pony look, it has the best qualities of your old pony style while being closer to the show proportion wise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
    Day 146. Thickened the lines a bit and added a little more detail in the background. Would have done more, but SUDDENLY OH GOD HAND CRAMP!
    The thicker lines look much better! And I hope your hand feels better, I admit though, I had to laugh. Not out of malice, but it reminded me of my sudden random painful leg muscle spasms when I'm sitting down at the computer for a long time.

    Quote Originally Posted by the_druid_droid View Post
    I am worst droid *hangs head*
    And I am the worst monster.

    Quote Originally Posted by the_druid_droid View Post
    EDIT: As promised, sketches! I've shifted to working with human anatomy for a bit, so I've been sneaking some tutorial links and such from Thanqol's drawthread. Some of the stuff in this list makes use of the online pose sites there; you should check them out!

    First, some 8-head people for measuring:

    Next are three sketches made relatively quickly (5-10 minutes) with a focus on trying to get the essence of a pose down. They're definitely far from perfect, but the beat the stuffing out of a similar experiment earlier in the year:

    (As mentioned above, there are nekkid people in the following, so consider yourselves warned)
    I for one, do not mind the nude. They look nice, I can't over a better comment on anatomy stuff, don't know nothing about that! But I do envy your ability to sketch fast. I often get bogged down with fretting over making sure everything is planned exactly right.

    Day 58, or "Random blarghh!"

    On the eve of the Battle of Marathon, in the Persian camp....

    Sadly this ancient time paradox brony would not survive the coming battle.
    A random doodle of a Iranian soldier that I drew on Friday while at work. His lips, eyes, and nose position needs a bit of tweaking. The eyes seem slightly off (alright there pretty darn crooked), the nose looks a little off-centered, and the mouth/lips should be raised. Still, this is one of the first times I have been mildly satisfied with coloring human skin. The facial shading needs work though!

    Here is the doodle and some other ones which I did on friday, (ignore the awful random chicken scratch arabic words, I'm study'n! The doodles are actually procrastination.)

    The lines are a bit light and my scanner is old and less then optimal. My pencil work is bad and I should feel bad. But still, I was drawing and here is the proof! *cries*
    Silliness aside, I think for once I actually prefer the colored version. This is the first non-pony art that I can savely say that. Yay for progress I guess(?) I may swear off monochromes forever!
    Or not.

    Finally a picture of OC ponies and Tropius, flying by a city, the next leg of their zany travel adventure!
    Its... different...

    Meaning it looks like a barf of colors on a canvas! A experiment gone somewhat wrong, I think I learned something from it. Not too sure what though. Today after coloring the Persian I wanted to draw ponies. But I couldn't think of any good ideas. But then I rediscovered a orchestra recording of a SNES Sim City song! And then I had to run off listen to the beginning. And was inspired by nostalgic to paint, forget line work! Everything is going to be rough!
    And then a train wreck happened.

    I'll do some serious stuff later I swear!
    Last edited by Bakuel; 2012-05-27 at 01:14 AM. Reason: Forgot to reply to something,