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    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Things I May No Longer Do While Playing III: I May Not Iron Heart Surge Rule Zero

    * If my wizard is wearing blue robes covered in runes, mystical, exotic amulets and rings, large, pointy hat and pair of glasses ahd has a large beard and carries a huge spellbook and magic staff, I'm no longer allowed to complain that every single enemy with more that two points in Int tries to kill me first.
    ** No longer allowed to complain everybody can tell in great detail how they guy throwi fireballs around looks like either.
    *** Both extend to any kind of caster who looks distinguish.
    * If I step foward and throw a spell I'm going to assume every single enemy will try to stop me from doing that again.
    * If the GM uses enemy wizards dressed like normal guys and throwing spells from behind a cover, he is trying to give me a hint, not screw the party over.
    Last edited by Man on Fire; 2012-05-28 at 03:27 PM.