Quote Originally Posted by Narsil View Post
Another thing to consider on top of that is that eladrin were in the previous editions as an entire sub-group of extraplanar beings alongside such beings as angels, archons and guardinals. The idea that they were the new high elves with increased connections to the fey therefore erased the inhabitants of an entire plane from existence. And then the Feywild was introduced as a replacement, but for fans of Planescape that was just another poke in the eye.

And then someone had the bright idea that if eladrin are the new high elves, then maybe they're the new moon elves and sun elves as well. So then Evereska, Myth Drannor and Evermeet, completely and utterly iconic to the elves of the Forgotten Realms, are now eladrin nations instead. Seriously. Go check the Forgotten Realms campaign guide.

Complicating matters are the eladree and celadrin concepts, both of which are elven/eladrin hybrids. Only, the elves they are hybrids with are in fact now eladrin, and the eladrin they're hybrids with no longer exist.

Seriously. Bugger the eladrin.
They should have done something different with the FR, and they should never of considered the idea of Half-breeds between the Eladrin and Elves(Though I really hate the idea of them in the first place) but the Eladrin were a tiny no name race that had almost nothing on them in the MM and were probably not very popular. Considering the complete restructuring of the planes anyway I see no problem with giving them that name. Seriously I know they took out a race you really liked but they barely existed for most DnD players. I would discover that there were Eladrin in 3.5 until about a year ago.

They arn't really a premier DnD race.

Also calling the Eladrin High Elves really wouldn't have solved one of the problems of 3.5s lore which was that it was constantly more of the same.

More Elves

More Dwarves

More Gnomes

At least 4th editions lore took the game in new places while still giving every thing required to play with the old races.