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Thread: "Common Sense" approach to rules (RACSD)

  1. - Top - End - #414
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Bristol, UK

    Default Re: "Common Sense" approach to rules (RACSD)

    Disapprove 38B, since it doesn't fix the problem that 38 was written to solve (GSE :: Contingency). I'd be fine with it if it read "non mind-affecting illusions" as opposed to "illusion (figment) and illusion (glamer)" spells, however.

    However, the belief and disbelief rules seem bad enough to warrant a complete overhaul.

    As for Rule 40, wouldn't it be better to just reset the cooldowns when you transform? It would certainly be easier to justify in fluff.
    Last edited by lesser_minion; 2012-05-30 at 05:30 AM.