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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Blackwood - A Folkloric "Mini" Setting (WIP, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Eldest View Post
    "This is a rather large island!"
    -Sea Lord finding the continent.
    Hahaha, that's about right! While I'm thinking about the Sea Lords, they're supposed to be a mash-up of late Roman Empire decadence, arabic culture (drawing especially from the 1,001 nights), and--as you know--they use Turkish as a language.

    I know I want them to have a history of dyeing their skin when they reach adulthood, so they look something like this (warning: not strictly SFW):


    That's actually a pretty good example of how they dress, too. Not a lot of clothing (usually topless whether men or women), bright colors, and lots of golden jewelry (right now, the islands are the only place where gold is harvested).

    Quote Originally Posted by Othesemo View Post
    To be honest, I think it would be in Nietzsche's best interests to leave it out.

    Also, I like the etymology. As you may have surmised from my setting, I'm a big fan of names actually having a linguistic meaning, rather than being seen by their creators as a contest to fit the most R's, G's and K's into one word.
    I agree with your thoughts on the ubermensch. If it makes an appearance at all, it will probably only be a sentence that says something like "if the Vindlanders prevail during the Great Wind, the world that comes after will be an earthly paradise."

    I'm a huuuuuuuge fan of etymology. I tend to butcher things like grammar and syntax when I'm coming up with place names for settings, but they're not supposed to be real-world languages anyway, so I don't mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by arkham618 View Post
    Somewhere in this Samurai Viking mashup there has to be a wandering blind masseur with a curious walking stick and a penchant for gambling.
    Sounds like a great idea for a PC! A habit I've started with the Blackwood (and would like to maintain for the other settings in this world) is to keep the "iconics" and "heroes" to a bare minimum. I want PCs to be the ones telling the most interesting stories.

    I know it seems like I'm talking a lot about Vindland, and I know I said I wanted to work on either Koss or Cerai first. I've still thought about both of those places, I just haven't bothered to write much down about them.

    Cerai, for instance, will have at least three regions. Each of them will look more or less the same, but each will also have a specialty. The southernmost region will border a vast desert. This is where the capital is located, and horsemanship and glasswork will be the iconic activities here. Lots of races and jousts, and tons of buildings that are made mostly (or entirely) out of glass. The northernmost region will focus more on swordsmanship, and the region in the middle will probably have a famous college of music.
    Last edited by Zap Dynamic; 2012-05-31 at 10:07 AM.
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