Quote Originally Posted by kyoryu View Post
Also, a lot of this did originate with 1e, where high level characters weren't necessarily supposed to be "adventurers", per se. A 15th level fighter isn't some dude with a stick any more, he's a freakin' LORD with an army to command. A lot of the linear/quadratic issues came about in 3rd ed because a) the drawbacks to casting (casting time, interrupts, uncertainty) were removed and b) the overall presumption of gameplay minimized the "fighter becoming a Lord" aspect of the game, and those rules were pretty well tossed out.

That's actually a big thing for me with 5th ed - are they really going to address the overall style of campaigns? A lot of rules that might work in a more "world" style game (where you might have multiple characters, death can be pretty permanent, and retiring characters isn't an option) don't work *at all* in a game which is the "party of friends going on adventures" style. Doesn't mean either style is better, but your ruleset has kind of got to aim for one or the other.
I honestly hope they bring the lord element back. See, in 3.5, the idea of being a lord sounds fantastic, but doesn't translate well. You can take leadership...but so can the sorc, and frankly, he's better at it. And most dungeon crawls don't have room for a coupla hundred followers anyway, and most adventures are not built for them.

I don't necessarily want casters gimped....but if we can give more/better options in other elements of the game, that sounds awesome to me.