As Isanloff walked, surrounded by Xinoruts, he decided that just like Morgash was created to correctly advise him with the governance of the mortals, their too should be a young god to advise him with the maintenance of karma and the administration of the inevitable. And so he took the nearest Xinorut and sent his being into the creature, the machine began to ice over, the glass became more reflective than a mirror of pure silver and glass, and then suddenly it was gone and it's place stood the first daughter of Isanloff.

And there stood Gwyn, the First Knight - the princess of the Inevitables. She stood tall and lordly, she was a true born noble for she was born from Isanloff's desire for honor and duty to reign over the world. She is the patron of valor and the mistress of karma.

Isanloff spoke with love in his voice, a fatherly proud stern voice.

Hello daughter, welcome to existence