Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Lord View Post
I believe the only thing that can be done to even the leveling field between Mundanes and Magic users is to give Mundanes their own type of magic or magic-like abilities. Take a tip from the Book of Nine Swords for decent mundanes.
Quote Originally Posted by Me, earlier
The real reason why nobody can agree on this issue is because there are three simultaneous assumptions that the community holds regarding the magic/mundane split.

- Magic should be capable of doing amazing, superhuman things.

- Mundane characters shouldn't be capable of doing anything an ordinary human couldn't do without sufficient training.

- Magic characters and Mundane characters are balanced against one another and each one can contribute equally.

Pick any two. You can buff mundanes, nerf casters, or throw balance out the window. And no matter which of the three solutions you choose, a third of the players will hate you for it.
Each of the three solutions are valid, by the way, they just produce very different games.