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Thread: [3.5] The Refounding [IC]

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] The Refounding [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ithandor View Post
    "I suggest we make suitable preparations for our journey. To that end, Luthor, would it be possible to advance some or all of our payment for this endeavor, so that we might equip accordingly?"
    Luthor hesitates. "Any payment will have to be authorized by the treasury, but I will see if I can get them to give you some money later today. Is there a particular item you want? I can see if we have it, and give it to you without the markup the merchants here use, taking the cost out of the payment."

    You can indeed buy magical items in this city. It's a good thing you have a lot of contacts amongst the various mercenaries. However, there's some price inflation - this is a war zone, after all. How much inflation depends on whether they owe you favors or you owe them favors.

    The best route through the Black Hills is probably straight west following the road, if you want to be fastest. However, if you want to avoid detection, you may wish to avoid the road. In that case you can detour SW or NW around the bulk of the hills - SW is easier, NW is the very long way around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeryr View Post
    -Sir Luthor, for how long have you been without news of Khaz-Karan? If the dwarves are still there they might take us for intruders before reading the letters and shoot us on sight.
    "At least three years," the half-giant says simply. "Maybe more. We did not think much of it at first - the war was pressing."

    He holds up the tube. "I assume none of you will object if I break the seal and record your names on these travel papers now."
    Last edited by moritheil; 2012-06-03 at 01:28 PM.
    The Refounding OOC IC
    Here be Dragons

    Quote Originally Posted by Kish View Post
    "Cold is better for cooking food than heat!"=wrong. As simple as that.
    Quote Originally Posted by moritheil View Post
    But we even have real world examples of cold cooking, so is it so unreasonable to say that in a fantasy world that could be the norm and that cold COULD be better than heat for cooking?

    You can produce several million pounds of Tarrasque steak every day! (Better hope he's edible.)