Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
Its not just that either. It seems like every expansion just has larger and larger cash value on quests and such and builds up money faster. Ive played since release. I remember when getting 1k gold for your epic ground mount was months of farming runecloth and praying for lucky drops. I cut that in half by looting a GREAT epic item that sold for a whopping 500 gold! (big money back then) Now its getting to the point where, by the time im high level enough to buy it, I have the cash for it. I barely have to farm at all for 310% flight. I didnt even get 280% flight on any character until the end of WRATH, let alone tbc. It was just too expensive to be worth it for me. Now I throw away another what, 4500 gold? Just for a 30% extra boost thats only really noticeable over long flights.
Would you like to farm more? I know of this great game called Everquest...

Face it, money has largely become meaningless. Partly due to the way the game rewards are structured (you can't buy the best gear with money), and partly due to the way the player driven economy has gone. Heck, look at the people complaining that the new flying in Mists will be 2700 and how THAT is just too darned much.

Personally, I honestly don't care about money. Money has never been a barrier for entry for me, it's never kept me out of any fun content, it's never been this big deal that other people make it into. I still can't figure out how Gold Farmers still make money on WoW, when money is largely this meaningless thing.