[Forest Lake]

Mimi is fast. Very fast. But she doesn't have a lot of time to react. The pixie throws herself to the side, but still gets clipped by the side of the beak. She screams in pain she she roughly hits the ground. She has a very large gash in her side and possibly a couple broken ribs. She's alive though, and she has to see this through.

It takes a supreme effort, but she pushes herself off the ground. How is she gonna do this? She spies a large rock. She goes over to it and uses her pixie dust to make it very light. A little more of the magic dust allows her to grip it. Her mind is swimming as she fights off the urge to lie down. She lifts the rock gradually, unable to stop a whimper of pain. Mimi lifts it a ways above the sliver's head and lets it fall.