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Thread: Can we just do another music thread?

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Fayetteville, AR

    Default Re: Can we just do another music thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by dehro View Post
    or maybe I just don't understand it and it's my fault.
    Whether or not you understand only matters if you actually care. If you don't, and you clearly don't, congrats, feel free to move on.

    Some people find pleasure in discussing and sharing music (hence this thread) and genre classification is a really useful tool. Consider this: you're telling someone about this band that you like. Naturally, they ask you the following question:

    "What do they sound like?"

    You can say things like "They're pretty much just Pink Floyd," but that doesn't help anyone who's never heard Pink Floyd. That becomes much more relevant when you consider that, with the rise of the internet, musicians have an indescribably easier time sharing their music and so people are that much more capable of hearing very niche, unique, and relatively unheard-of music. While a good deal of people that you'll meet might have heard of Pink Floyd, it's much harder to share anecdotes about Crippled Black Phoenix [they're pretty much just Pink Floyd*], Yamantaka // Sonic Titan [noise pop], Giles Corey [slowcore], and Mass of the Fermenting Dregs [alternative/shoegaze].

    Under the assumption that bands like Pink Floyd occasionally sound something like "progressive rock," it's much easier to convey concepts like "how some band sounds." Past that, it's just a matter of specificity.

    *that's actually just a joke but after making it I remembered how ubiquitous that sentiment is among CBP's listeners and that made me a little bit sad.
    Last edited by ex cathedra; 2012-06-10 at 06:08 AM.