Quote Originally Posted by AnimeKid View Post
Crocell just smirked as he cracked his knuckles ans says, "So doggy wants to play does he? alright then just remember Puppy-chan here your bark has nowhere near as much power as your bite." With that Crocell walked up to the machine and also inserted a coin. Seeing as he choose Ragna Crocell rolled his eyes and thought in his head, 'Typical well then if he wants to play with power then I'll just run circles around him with speed' It was then that the announcers voice shouted "Taokaka!" as he selected his usual speedster character.

Crocell grinned as the announcer signaled the start of the fight. In an instant Crocell's character Taokaka was on Ragna and spitting out combos at an insane speed. However he only keeps up the heat for a few moments before he tries to back off to avoid any counter attacks. Unlike Mahjong fighting games couldn't be won with just luck. And Crocell put in a lot of hours on many of the games to up his skill.
As it turned out, this caution was unneeded. It soon became clear that, when it came to BlazBlue, Jirou was all talk. He may have been a skilled Mahjong player, but in this arena he was just a midbie. His character proved defenceless against Crocell's blistering combo assault. In what seemed like no time at all, he'd already lost half of his health. When Crocell backed off, Jirou's counter-attack was far less impressive: His combos were just the standard, intermediate Ragna strings that were used by average players the world over. While they were well executed and showed a good grasp of the game's mechanics, they were still painfully limited in scope.

From that point on, the outcome was already decided. The following games were merely a grisly formality. In the end, Jirou suffered a humiliating 3-0 defeat; He'd never stood a chance.

"...Not bad."