Quote Originally Posted by Triaxx View Post
Mods to install? SMIM.

Yes, he just said he had a bad time with it. I think it's worth the risk though.

WATER. Seriously improves the look and feel of water.

Realistic Lighting with Customization 3.4. Improves the lighting to a more 'realistic' level, with improved weather and certain other things built into it.

Deadly Dragons. Because Dragons should be scary.

And Midas Magic, because it's too awesome for words.
I second SMIM. Yes, even though I JUST SAID IT WAS MY PROBLEM. It is an amazing improvement, and you won't know if the meshes will kill you until you do it. Be ready to go without it if you have troubles, but, if it works for you... dang, was that worth it.

I almost would do DD, but that is one thing I am not sure I am ready to mod until I have done enough of it vanilla, whereas the mods I have I am convinced just should be there in the first place, usually adding things (along with something editing the shouts, but given it shows me the changes, I can see why.)

WATER... do it. All at once, I don't always pay attention to the water sources, but it is still a noticeable difference. I had to uninstall it because it was causing problems. Except, now I don't know if that is ACTUALLY true. Seriously, it bugs me how I have no idea what SMIM touched. I don't even know if it can somehow affect things it has nothing to do with.

Realistic lighting is pretty nice, especially along with CLARALUX and Imaginator, going full on default (which is still not dark enough for my tastes, actually.)

Speaking of lighting/shading tastes, I've been trying to set up the FXAA post-process Injector, but nothing looks too good. Then I realized, and this'll be a stupid question no doubt, but does it work better with... err... FXAA actually turned on? Because FXAA makes Skyrim look blech, unless that is fixed. Also, is there a better FXAA mod?