Quote Originally Posted by arguskos View Post
He's not so much bad in combat as he is a finesse character. Ya can't just rush in there with him, you've got to use the spins he has strategically and make sure he's not drawing their fire. If he starts drawing aggro, get him the hell outta there or you'll be down a man.

Haer'Dalise is interesting to play with, since he's a pretty different combat style from almost anyone else. The rogue characters (Charname included) want to backstab as much as possible, but he can't do that. The fighters want to tank like champs, and he can't do that (even with the Con belt, since he just doesn't have enough life or enough armor options to really soak hits). He lacks the spell depth to mage it up (until reaaaaaally high levels, anyways). He comes with two points in Short Swords, as I recall, meaning he has a very strange weapon selection. He's so different from everyone else that I feel he doesn't get much love.

I <3 Haer'Dalis, and I'm proud to say it. Sadly, I can't take him with when I romance Aerie.

Think of him like a skirmisher, not a front-liner, and that'll help your performance with him.
You can have 'em both if you've already established your relationship with Aerie beforehand. You just can't grab Dirty Haer'y immediately.