Icy Glacier

Quote Originally Posted by Wolfbane View Post
Icy Glacier

The Being of Funk growls in annoyance at the creature's obviously futile attempts to make it bleed out and tries to backhand What's face with his free hand. Of course, the Groovy Avatar wouldn't call it a backhand per se, more of a slap. A P-Slap to be precise. Not that there's any true mechanical difference to the technique, it's just his preferred terminology.

Even if he'd never admit it.

Oh, and it appears as if the several cuts and stabbings cause it to bleed a thick silver liquid.

No. You are not going to win this. No, no, no! What doesn't die! He fights, and he wins! He's not having his head caved in with the slap of some flamboyant elemental monster! Never! NEVER! This is wrong, all wrong! You cheated! That's not how things are supposed to go! A disco elemental of all things, crushing the living nightmare that is What Pumpkin? Impossible! Never!





What twitches and twists in immaculate fury, and then just as abruptly, comes to a dead halt. There's hardly anything left of his head. Pumpkin seeds and that orange pulpy goop stuff is scattered across the ice beside our mindless psychopath. A liquid that might very well be mercury is dripping onto his frost-coated suit. This is it, folks. The end for What Pumpkin. I'm pretty sure he didn't hold out long enough to warrant a Goddess-approved revival, too. He was fun while he lasted, but since there's no chance of finding any fresh pumpkins all the way out here, I don't think-


Not while there's still some amount of gourd still left intact. Not while there's still cloth to embody this malevolent force of destruction, or blades with which to wreak bloody havoc. Not until every last living being is wiped right off the face of the Nexus, until nothing stands, flies, wriggles or crawls. Never.

He lunges. What tries to pierce the Elemental's head with a bayonet before either of them can hit the ground, and then, with the help of Mjölnir, smash it through the Elemental's disco ball, all the way up to the hilt. It's the very last thing he'll be doing in this lifetime, you can be sure he's desperate to make it work.