Quote Originally Posted by Giegue View Post
This is awesome. Really awesome. GITPG has produced some wonderful homebrew and this is a nice way to organize them all.
If you like, I can link it for you to see. It was intended as a Tier 1. Most likely you won't care about it, but I just thought I should mention it.

Shoot the link over in the thread, soldier!

Quote Originally Posted by ideasmith View Post

Do you suggest reducing the number of feats? If so, how much? (Shall I copy this part of the post to the Crackerjack thread?)
Looks like someone is in need of an Extended Homebrewer's Signature, maybe?

I'd suggest making the feat progression maybe Fighter-like or less and limit them to feats that grant bonuses to skills (or feats that have such viable feats as prerequisites), with of course the Crackerjack still needing to qualify for the feats as normal. This allows him access to Dragontouched and Aberrant Blood and derivatives, among others, but still mainly focuses on the skills and leaves out all the Fighter feats, Wizard feats, etc.

Quote Originally Posted by Mithril Leaf View Post
Because Hazuki is far too humble to ask you for it, may I request that you review The Traveller? It's one of my very favorite homebrew classes and I'd like to know where it stands.
The class seemed very interesting at first look, but once I actually read over Auspices, it became clear it is a Tier 1 class, plain and simple, as it can get access to one of the three most powerful and versatile spell lists in existence. I'll still read over the rest of the class, see if it offers anything interesting.

Quote Originally Posted by dspeyer View Post
I'll toss my extended signature in here. Especially the "Every Archetype in Tier 3" part.

Also, I'd suggest adding a inspiration=historical tag. I doubt I'm the only one who's tried to stat something from history.
The Tier 3 Archetypes of yours mainly fall below Tier 3, sadly. They offer mostly abilities that are too weak or focused or get a weak feat (such as Point Blank Shot). I like some of your maneuvers and think you've done well one some, but classes go a little harder it seems. The Village Priest turned out rather well though, and it took a little for me to decide which Tier it was, but I am inclined to agree with your assessment that it is Tier 3, largely due to being allowed access to Domains and having Advanced Learning.

The Historical Tag suggestion is a pretty sound one, I have to admit! I'll add that one. I was thinking of also expanding the Role category of Tags a bit, including things like Utility (mainly out of combat stuff besides social stuff and crafting, though it could be used in combat as well, like teleportation, creation of stone walls, etc, but also mundane stuff, though I dun have examples for that right now), Debuffer (grant enemies penalties or negative conditions), Trapmonkey (has trapfinding or a focus on trapmaking), Scout (obvious role is obvious) and Librarian (at least a light focus on Knowledges). This to remove the Skillful Tag and perhaps change the Support Tag to the Buffer Tag to accompany the new Debuffer Tag. What do you all think?

Quote Originally Posted by Vilpich View Post
Not a bad idea, but if you do decide to do this I'd like to point out that my Spartan base class is not historical whatsoever.

*kicks Vilpich into a pit of anti-magic fielded Black Tentacles that are on acid*

Classes that have now been Tiered include the Exarch of the Emerald Shield and the Village Priest.