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    Ettin in the Playground
    Togath's Avatar

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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Minecraft Thread X: In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the ... SSSSSSSS

    Just found a neat seed; aparently the seed pikachu spawns you in a giant jungle biome with a few patchs of naturally occuring pumpkins, bordering a desert, and a plains biome, with a very large open air ravine near the spawn point.
    edit; it also borders a snowey taiga biome
    Also; the ravine contains trees(or at least bushes), coal, iron, and a lava flow, there is also a large lava lake in part of the jungle which starts a small forest fire.
    edit 2: another interesting seed is the seed "minecraft", which spawns you in a large open plain, but, you are within a short distance of another very large jungle biome, a snowey biome, a desert biome, a hill biome(or at least a jungle with a lot of large hills), and a swamp, in addidtion to the plains biome you start in with it(which contains a pumpkin patch within about 30 blocks of your spawn point)
    Last edited by Togath; 2012-06-17 at 03:19 PM.
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