Quote Originally Posted by Avilan the Grey View Post
I only play Khajit or Argonian if I play a male character.
Admittedly part of my dislike, I think, in this particular case is that she ended up looking virtually identical to the person on my left, my female orc Rogue. Almost the same hair, almost the same warpaint, almost the same skin tone.

On the other hand elves have never interested me. Neither have dwarves (and i know, in this world they are the same thing...). When I play pnp fantasy games I tend to play human 80% of the time and orc or half orc the other times.

If it wasn't for the mod I installed what makes racial benefits matter more (by changing them from being a mere +5 / +10 points ahead on a skill to an active effect, so Wood Elves for example will eventually reach 110 in Archery without gear) I would just pick anything, since in vanilla the benefits really are ignorable.
How about Imperial Thief or trying other hairstyles for your wood elf?